Africa is my treasure trove

Have you ever wondered where the colorful and expressive Gefühlsmonster picture from Africa on our home page comes from? For many years, the Gefühlsmonsters have maintained an active cooperation with the project “Akiiki” of the Belgian Marijke D’Herde in Uganda. Since then, packages with Gefühlsmonster materials start their long journey to Africa at regular intervals. […]

Gefühlsmonsters as Part of the “HeldenAkademie” Intercultural Project

“HeldenAkademie” (literally “HeroAcademy”)  is a project of MediationsZentrum Berlin e.V. and was founded in 2016 by mediators working for the centre. The workshops of HeldenAkademie aim to encourage young male adults to further develop their skills in solving conflicts in a non-violent way. What are my own strengths, what skills do I already bring with […]

Feelings without words

Many of us are dealing with the current changes in our country, due to the influx of refugees into Germany, and think about how the people who are allowed to and might want to stay here can successfully integrate themselves. In this regard, it is first and foremost necessary to facilitate understanding – maybe some […]