The Gefühlsmonster® Cards are a tool that sparks the magic of emotionally intelligent conversations. For people of all ages and backgrounds, they offer the opportunity to recognize and regulate their own feelings.
With them, you will conquer:
- the world of New Work
- the world of different cultural backgrounds
- a world in which mutual understanding is the basis of all interaction
Would you like to learn more about this? Here you can find a one-page introduction to the Gefühlsmonsters:
In our introductory courses, you will learn how to use this tool. You can find inspiration for your field of expertise here. And if you want to read some magical case studies, you can find them here.
Why it can be easier to talk about feelings with the help of these cards
There is an emotional intelligence slumbering in each of us that wants to be discovered, conquered and used.
We teach our children and as adults we consider it normal not to show our feelings in every situation. This means that we are often unaware of our feelings. Looking at emotional images resonates with our current experiences and makes it easier to talk about these feelings. Pointing to a corresponding card makes it possible to talk about difficult feelings while saving face.
“A picture is worth a thousand words” – our brain recognizes images faster than words. Each of our experiences is stored together with the feeling we had when we experienced it. As soon as we look at images of feelings, our system of mirror neurons is triggered and the memory of situations associated with the respective feeling is facilitated.
- It is much easier to find words for feelings using a picture and to communicate them to the other person.
- As soon as you have a word for your current feeling, your brain helps you to regulate that feeling – the basis for resilience!
- Positive emotional states can be anchored with the help of the feeling monsters.
Why isn‘t the feeling on the card?
Because it is more exciting and effective to let the observers, whether child or adult, say what they see in the individual feeling monsters!
After many years of using the cards, we know that the Gefühlsmonsters work in two different ways:
they connect with the feeling currently being experienced (That’s how I feel right now)
they connect with an experienced or upcoming situation (“Remember the other day…” or “Imagine, later…”)
For example:

Version 1:
“I do not dare to express myself in a new group, I’d rather take a cautious look around first.” (Seminar situation)
Version 2:
“Lately my wife has only dropped in from time to time.” (Couple mediation)
Or this card:

Version 1:
“Whoopee, I’ve passed my exam!!!” (Everyday, coaching)
Version 2:
“I haven’t felt like this in a long time!” (95-year-old woman to her daughter)
Who uses Gefühlsmonster Cards?
Trainers, doctors, consultants, coaches, parents, managers, youth workers, children, paediatricians, teachers, mediators, couples, pastors, personnel officers, psychologists, judges, custody officers, social workers, supervisors, team, therapists, coaches, grief counsellors, residential units ….
Please have a look at our short ideas for the use of the cards: Gefühlsmonster Instructions