We recently received a call at Gefühlsmonster headquarters from Simone, who “only” had a question about one of our seminars. We got chatting and also talked about the fact that she has been using the cards for a long time in various situations as a youth welfare worker and always finds them very helpful in tracking down feelings, naming them and developing strategies for dealing with them.
For example, Simone told us on the phone that she had just used the cards with a young client in custody to prepare for her trial and even gave her a card to encourage her. We were very touched by this and were naturally interested to hear about the client’s experiences with the Gefühlsmonsters during her trial. To our great delight, we received feedback from Simone that the client had not only agreed to share her experiences with us, but that she had also written them down especially for us. We were very impressed by her openness. She wrote to us:

“My therapist brought me the number 11 as a little lucky charm for my trial. I hung the card over my light switch in my cell because I always sat opposite and could then see it. In the weeks leading up to my trial I prepared myself mentally and stayed positive. At the trial, I had the card in my pocket and it accompanied me during my hardest time and gave me strength. The card motivated me to stay positive and I am very grateful to my therapist.”
Isn’t it great to read how such a small gesture, a single Gefühlsmonster® card, was able to accompany this difficult journey as a small anchor and provide a bit of positive support? Feelings are contagious! Why not try it out and take a positive Gefühlsmonster with you to your next challenging situation – whether it’s a math test in class, a difficult conversation with a colleague or an encouraging gesture to yourself at the computer.
Our heartfelt thanks go to the young woman who spoke so openly and courageously about this challenging time and, of course, to Simone for her call, which turned into so much more!
Would you also like to share an experience or a special application of the Gefühlsmonsters with us? We are always happy to receive your feedback at info@gefuehlsmonster.de.