New workshops in English and new book!

From now on you can find a 1 hour online introduction workshop “Gefühlsmonsters – what is that?“about how to use the Gefühlsmonsters every month in Gefühlsmonsters Academy. Next workshops on October 12 and November 14. First specialized workshop on “How to design online meetings and digital group appointments with the Gefühlsmonsters” October 30! We know […]


With these books, Lilli Höch-Corona, the inventor of the Gefühlsmonster and head of the Gefühlsmonster Academy, enables you to gain a deeper insight into the way to bring more ease into conversations about feelings and to get to know yourself better with the help of the Gefühlsmonster.


Sorry we did not succeed to have English subtitles for the video, so we decided to have the transcript translated. The talk is about thoughts and feelings, body perception, thankfulness and stress-reducing exercises. Silvia: Hello, here is Silvia with an exciting interview partner: This is Lilli from Berlin. Lilli’s theme is: your thoughts create your […]