We hope you are keeping your head up during these truly challenging times!

Here at Gefühlsmonster Headquarters we have been keeping busy trying to adapt to “life pandemic”. Ever since the first lockdown hit us in March of last year, we have been continuously working on making the Gefühlsmonsters and Gefühlsmonster tools available to use under the new circumstances. If you haven’t done so yet, check out our collection of useful free materials such as the “Gefühlsmonster Emergency Kit” in the downloads section.

In the process, we have greatly expanded our Online Tool so that you can try out and work with the monsters virtually. And the best, all of these tools and materials can be used completely free of charge.
We now also have more seminar offerings including a free one-hour English introductory seminar via Zoom. The next one will be next Tuesday, February 9th, from 6 to 7pm German time. Some spaces are still available. Register here and benefit from a live and interactive hour with the monsters.
Last but not least, our founder and managing director, Lilli Höch-Corona, finally fulfilled a long-cherished dream and wrote a tool book on working with the Gefühlsmonster cards with twelve of her most useful methods. From communication with groups and teams, to self-management, to a tool for clarification and employee appraisals, each with examples and clearly structured instructions for use.

As you can imagine, we were incredibly proud when we heard that the book had been chosen by the publisher to be their “Book of the Month February 2021”! For more information, check out the publisher’s website.
Keep safe and well!
All the best from the whole team at Gefühlsmonster Headquarters in Berlin