Accademia di Gefühlsmonster

Gefühlsmonsters - what is that

(Dieser Kurs ist in ENGLISCH)

You want to know what the Gefühlsmonsters are all about? What they are good for, who created them and why there are 25 cards? In this introduction you will learn how to facilitate conversations about feelings and anchor a positive outcome.

Suitable for: anyone who works with people and wants to facilitate conversations about feelings.

Data di inizio 18.06.2024
Ora 18:00 – 19:00
Costo EUR 30,00
Posti disponibili 6
Termine di registrazione 18.06.2024 17:30
Stato Registrazioni aperte
Numero ON1-WIT-240618
N. Data Ora Guida Luogo Descrizione
1 18.06.2024 18:00 – 19:00 Renate Holstein Gefühlsmonsters - What is that?